Name of Person |
Designation |
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | Chairman |
Mr. Rahul R. Agrawal | Managing Director |
Mr. Vishal R. Agrawal | Joint Managing Director |
Mr. Milin K. Mehta | Independent Director |
Mr. Prem Kumar Taneja | Independent Director |
Mr. P N Prasad | Independent Director |
Mrs. Radhika Nath | Independent Director |
Mr. Ravishankar Kompalli | Whole-time Director |
Mr. Bhupesh P. Porwal | Chief Financial Officer |
Mr. Chintan Doshi | Company Secretary & Compliance Officer |
Audit Committee
Mr. Milin Mehta | : | Chairperson, Independent Director |
Mr. Prem Kumar Taneja | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | : | Member, Executive Chairman |
Mr. P. N. Prasad | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mrs. Radhika Nath | : | Member, Independent Director |
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Mr. Milin Mehta | : | Chairperson, Independent Director |
Mr. Prem Kumar Taneja | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | : | Member, Executive Chairman |
Mrs. Radhika Nath | : | Member, Independent Director |
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | : | Chairperson, Executive Chairman |
Mr. Rahul R. Agrawal | : | Member, Managing Director |
Mr. Milin Mehta | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mr. Vishal R. Agrawal | : | Member, Jt. Managing Director |
Mrs. Radhika Nath | : | Member, Independent Director |
Stakeholders' Relationship Committee
Mr. Prem Kumar Taneja | : | Chairperson, Independent Director |
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | : | Member, Executive Chairman |
Mr. Rahul R. Agrawal | : | Member, Managing Director |
Mr. Vishal R. Agrawal | : | Member, Jt. Managing Director |
Mr. P. N. Prasad | : | Member, Independent Director |
Risk Management Committee
Mr. Rakesh S. Agrawal | : | Chairperson, Executive Chairman |
Mr. Rahul R. Agrawal | : | Member, Managing Director |
Mr. Milin Mehta | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mr. Prem Kumar Taneja | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mr. Vishal R. Agrawal | : | Member, Jt. Managing Director |
Mr. P. N. Prasad | : | Member, Independent Director |
Mrs. Radhika Nath | : | Member, Independent Director |
Share Transfer Agent | : | M/s Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit Styrenix Performance Materials Limited) |
Address | : | “Geetakunj” 1, Bhakti Nagar Society, Behind ABS Tower, Old Padra Road, Vadodara – 390015 |
Telephone | : | 0265 – 3566768 |
Fax | : | —- |
Website | : | |
: | |
Investor Service Request
Dear Shareholder,
This is to bring to your notice that Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) vide its Circular Number SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023 read with Circular Number SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2023/158 dated September 26, 2023, has laid out common and simplified norms for processing investors’ service requests by RTAs and for mandatory furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination by holders of physical securities. You are requested to kindly go through the circulars carefully and take necessary actions. Some important requirements are listed below:
Shareholders holding shares in physical format:
All holders of physical securities of the Company are mandatorily required to furnish the following documents / details to Link intime India Pvt. Ltd. (RTA of the Company):
- Permanent Account Number (“PAN”).
- Contact details (postal address with PIN code, Mobile Number, e-mail address).
- Bank account details (bank name and branch, bank account number, IFS Code).
- Nomination (for all eligible folios)
- Specimen signature.
For data validation, it shall be mandatory to provide corresponding folio numbers along with mobile number and e-mail ID by the holder.
- Shareholders shall submit Form ISR-1to the RTA for updating PAN and other KYC details.
- In case of major mismatch in the signature of the holder in the records of the RTA, the Shareholder shall furnish original cancelled cheque and banker’s attestation of the signature as per Form ISR-2.
- Shareholders shall continue to use Form SH-13and Form SH-14 for declaration of nomination and change in nomination respectively. However, in case Shareholder wants to opt-out of nomination, Form ISR-3 shall be submitted with the RTA.
- Further, in case Shareholder wants to cancel existing nomination, Form SH-14along with Form ISR-3 needs to be submitted with RTA.
Further, shareholders are requested to ensure that the above details are updated with the RTA on or before December 31, 2023, after which the folios for which the above details are not available will be frozen.
Please also note that as per mandate –
- w.e.f. 01.01.2022, the Company / RTA shall entertain any service request only upon completion of registration / updation of PAN, KYC and Nomination details w.r.t any such Folio.
- the folios in which PAN is not linked to Aadhaar as on 31.03.2023 or any other date as may be specified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes will also be frozen by the Company’s RTA.
- after December 31, 2025, the frozen folios shall be referred by RTA / Company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and / or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.
The above-mentioned documents/details are to be provided in the respective Forms to the RTA at the following address or email along with Name and Folio Number.
Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd.
Unit: Styrenix Performance Materials Limited
“Geetakunj” 1, Bhakti Nagar Society, Behind ABS Tower, Old Padra Road, Vadodara – 390015
Tel.: +91 0265 – 3566768 (From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on all working days)
Email: Website:
In case of any query, kindly contact our RTA.
Shareholders holding shares in Dematerialised Form:
The request may be sent by the shareholder to the Depository Participant with whom the shareholder is having account for dematerialized shares.
The forms can be downloaded in pdf form from the respective links on Company’s website / RTA’s website.
Styrenix Performance Materials Limited Address : 9th Floor, “Shiva”, Sarabhai Complex, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg, Vadiwadi, Vadodara-390023, Gujarat.
Contact:+91-265-230 32 01-02, Email :, CIN:L25200GJ1973PLC002436
For Investor Grievance redressal.
Phone work :
+91 265 2303201/02
Email Contact:
Mr. Chintan Doshi
Phone work:
+91 265 230 3212/13
Email Contact:
Annual Return FY 2023-24
Form ISR-1_March 2023
Form ISR-2
Form ISR-3
Form ISR-4
Form SH-13
Form SH-14