• Care beyond boundaries
  • Education for all
  • Skill development
  • Preventive healthcare
  • Community welfare
  • Environment Sustainability
  • Protection of national heritage, art and culture

We have instituted a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee, which plans and approves sustainable community outreach activities and initiatives based on core themes. We implement our CSR activities either directly through company personnel or through a third party approved by the CSR Committee. The locations for CSR activities are generally the villages surrounding our plants.

The core themes of our company’s CSR activities include:

Education for all

We firmly believe in imparting education for children, women, elderly and the differently abled. We target our CSR activities toward education using approaches such as:

  1. a) Building education infrastructure: this includes construction  as well as repair and upgrade of existing infrastructure in the village schools. The civil works also extend to improving existing facilities such as toilets for girls, installation of clean drinking water facilities, and provision of mid-day meals and school supplies.
  2. b) Felicitation of meritorious students and assisting financially constrained students by supporting their education, providing school stationery, uniforms, school bags, and distributing treats on festive occasions.
  3. c) Financial support to schools and organizations working with special students.
  4. d) Imparting vocational skills and basic education to the elderly.

Skill development

In an effort to develop a competent workforce and upgrade work skills, we address the needs of many Industrial Technical Institutes (ITI), providing them with machines to train students, and facilitate training by industry professionals at these institutes.

Community welfare

On festive occasions, we distribute basic necessities such as blankets, winter clothing, and utensils, which go a long way in making life easier for the impoverished.

Environment Sustainability

We support activities and projects that help to conserve  and improve environment in and around the communities near our plants. We participate in clenliness drives, platation, eco-awareness activities and more.